Five Questions To Marc Devis

Episode #3 Marc Devis: Our new buyer’s guide series of short interviews with the most influential collectors and dealerships is giving you some insight’s  into the market and the most collectable automobiles. Find out more here

Five Questions To Marc Devis

1. How is the market doing at the moment ?

While Q4 of 2021 and Q1 of 2022 were very busy, we notice that things have quieted down a bit since then. We believe this is due to the economic issues (inflation, recession, etc.) and – of course – summertime. That said, prices for good cars are strong and on the up.

2. What are the three most important buying criteria ?

1: Buying a proper, genuine competition car or a replica? 2: What events/races/rallies should the car be eligible for? 3: What budget is available?

Five Questions To Marc Devis

3. What are the most undervalued and overlooked racecars ?

The (under) 2 liter sportscars such as Chevron B8,B19, BXX, Lola 29X, etc. are very usable, quick and a lot of fun to drive while they are good value today. Also, it amazes me how undervalued a De Tomaso Pantera Group3 or – even better – Group 4 is when one compares rarity, usability and competitiveness.

RMD was founded in 2004 by historic racer and collector Marc Devis. 

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4. Whats your daily driver ?

Toyota Landcruiser as my work horse and Porsche 911 for other travel

5. Your dream car and all time favourite ?

Ferrari 250 SWB

