Volkswagen ID Buzz

Finally, the highly anticipated Volkswagen ID Buzz is making its way to America! Volkswagen has unveiled the North American version of the remarkable electric vehicle, the ID Buzz.

volkswagen id buzz

This version boasts a longer wheelbase and third-row seating, providing a spacious interior and increased storage capacity. Equipped with a rear motor setup, it delivers an impressive 282 horsepower, drawing energy from a 91 kWh battery. Moreover, Volkswagen plans to offer an all-wheel-drive variant featuring a dual-motor system that generates 330 horsepower.

The ID Buzz incorporates user-friendly elements such as dual power-sliding rear doors, customizable ambient lighting, and a dash adorned with a retro-inspired wood-optic design. Tech enthusiasts will be delighted by the 5.3-inch ID Cockpit dashboard, a 12.9-inch central infotainment display, wireless charging capabilities, and multiple USB-C ports.

With its sleek design and outstanding aerodynamic efficiency, boasting a mere 0.29 drag coefficient, the ID Buzz establishes new benchmarks in the electric vehicle market. Providing comfortable seating for up to seven passengers and offering versatile storage options, the ID Buzz is set to revolutionize the landscape of electric transportation.


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