The Drivers Office

Monday morning. After a sunny and lazy weekend with good food and some glasses of wine everybody has to go back to work. The office awaits with boring work to be done. But if you are a professional motor racing driver, your office looks a bit different. Instead of ergonomic office-chairs there is a hard seat; instead of a laptop you will find a spartan dashboard. And of course seat belts.

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„Racing is life – the time between is waiting“. Actor Steve McQueen once made this very cool comment in the legendary 1970’s film Le Mans. Okay, the: the lazy, sunny weekend is waiting – waiting for the only relevant office seat – waiting to sit in your own racing car – waiting to find the your limits and that of the race car.

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Yes, most of the motor racing events take place on weekends, but I find the picture of going back to work nice. The drivers office didn’t have a coffee maker, a desk with a framed picture of your family on it, a potted plant, a female secretary with a short skirt (sorry ladies!)but it gives you the ultimate challenge, the ultimate adventure.

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Being one with the machine, that is the target. Being connected with the machine, feeling all the bumps of the road, feeling every movement, feeling the power of acceleration…..

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The drivers office, the cockpit, should fit perfectly like a well tailored suit, tight but not too tight. It is always satisfying to step in and strap yourself in – becoming almost part of the machine and making the important decisions: where to accelerate and brake and guiding the car through the corners, very near but not over the limits of adhesion.

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Form follows function – the claim of the German Bauhaus in the 1920’s – at the design of a race car cockpit this is the master goal. No comfort, nothing useless like a radio or a speedometer, nothing else – only the things you will need when you drive as fast as possible.

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The look and the design of the early form of the driver’s office which are pictured here is fascinating. Everything seems to be a the right place, everything seems to be build easily and straight. Nothing distract, there is nothing too much or over the top. I like this rare design, only what you need – noting else. Fasten your seatbelts, start the engine and have fun in your office.

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No regrets, no fear.

Enjoy the other office photography



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