A Spoonful Of Sun By Gestalten

Hilltop villages, pristine coves, lavender, vineyards, and a balmy sun. The smell of herbs in the air. Drawn-out apéritifs on terraces. Provence is a feast for the senses that epitomises the French art of slow living. At the heart of it, there is always a table. All presented by Gestalten.

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In this book, cook Pauline Chardin shares her delicious, healthy, and—best of all—easy recipes. Using seasonal fruit and veg from her local market and her garden, Chardin’s cuisine is rooted in the Mediterranean, yet flavored by her travels around the world. This is more than just a cookbook. With a keen sense for design, Chardin knows that the eye takes the first bite.

A Spoonful of Sun lavishes us with aesthetic pleasures too, taking us around the house Chardin designed for herself, into the irresistible surrounds of her Provençal home, and back to what matters most: the food on the table.


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more information: gestalten.com