Goodwood Revival 2024 – Always A Challenge

With more than 10 years of experience as a photographer at the Goodwood Revival, shouldn’t another attempt in 2024 pose a particular challenge? Far from it… this year, too, there was a self-generated pressure!  The best pictures from previous years as a benchmark to be surpassed. Being in the right place at the right time and recognising the decisive moment that is worth capturing…. Always a great challenge, but also dependent on a little bit of luck.

Goodwood Revival 2024 - Always A Challenge

This year was also accompanied by a self-critical reflection on the handwriting of my photos. Looking back, there is no denying a change in my focus and style with an increased focus on people and the unique atmosphere that you won’t find anywhere else in the world. Reuniting with good friends has also become very important. Photographers and participants who are characterised by respect and appreciation and who have grown close to my heart over a long period of time. If you like, a bit of a perfect world in these turbulent times. I would particularly like to emphasise Vincent and Ann Gaye, for me the style icons of the Revival with their Ferrari 250 SWB from the very beginning and now good friends; but also the photographers Peter de Rousset-Hall, Thomas Spindler, Stuart Adams, Erich Hein, Gudrun Muschalla, Louis Monnier, Elfi Jung, to name but a few. In the meantime, I have also grown particularly fond of ‘Ralph’, who gave me some personal insights into his life this year. As a gentleman in a tailcoat, accompanied by the ‘Grid Girls’, who were dressed in enchanting evening gowns this year, he is the centre of every victory ceremony when the time comes to hand out the cigars.

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Incidentally, the Revival 2024 was also a great opportunity to get to know my new camera (Canon R 5 Mk II), mirrorless for the first time, with a new user interface that has not yet become second nature.

The weather gods did their best this year to spoil the event with pouring rain and sometimes ankle-deep mud. To cut a long story short, it didn’t stand a chance. Participants, helpers and spectators held out with unbroken enthusiasm and remained victorious. Particularly admirable were the ladies, who were always superbly dressed and defied the weather gods with exemplary resilience.

I would like to share these personal impressions without the description of the individual races, which you can follow in full length via the Goodwood website.

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