Start of the Powder Puff Derby or, in other words, the ladies’ race with Ruth Levy in her Porsche Speedster and Mary Davis in the green TR2 on pole in Paramount.
In the second row, behind Davis and hidden by the starter, is Linda Scott in the supercharged MG-TD with Myra Buchanan in the #00 Lotus Climax next to her. In the back row is Nora Taylor (MG-TD) and Betty Shutes in a Porsche coupe.
1st Paramount Ranch Road Races, August 1956
Dorothy Deen’s TR3 blew up after tech inspection on Thursday night and they couldn’t get it ready in time for the weekend. Ruth Levy won the race with Linda Scott in second. Marry Davis overshot third gear at the start and then her brakes locked on her three times. Still , she finished a strong third.
Weekend Heroes 2
If you want to order Weekend Heroes 2 here is the link:
by Tony Adriaensens/
Photo: Kodachrome, corsaresearch