Dont be surprised – here is our own story. We are still on the move and have gained significant reach in the market during the last 2 years. In our target group of classic car and lifestyle – lovers we are now reaching more than 200.000 readers per month. In some months, when the season and events are in full swing, we are even going up to 350.000 readers. This is more than classic print magazines can achieve.
You can now publish your content like a special car, event, auction , service or lifestyle product within 1 day. Just send us up to 350 words and some high quality photos and we will review and optimize it. On the next day it will be published in a very professional layout and high quality. Your article even gets a SEO-optimization, so that your content can be better found via Google and other search engines.
You only pay 300 Euros per article , published in our 4 channels website, daily newsletter, Instagram and Facebook. Here you can subscribe to our free daily newsletter:
If you want a special content package for 6 or 12 months , we can send you a tailor-made offer. The global classic car market has a size of more than 30 Billion US Dollars now and it will go up in 2024 to more than 43 Billion US Dollars. Classic cars and supercars remain a stable investment and if you add the supercar market-segment we talk about a significant size of more than 50 Billion US Dollars.
With you can reach your target – group of high-net-worth-individuals. Everyday our team is thrilled by the best stories and automobiles and the people , who drive them. We want to be the best and most-up-to-date magazine and newsroom for you, not more and especially not less.
Kay Hafner