Mallorca: Cal Reiet Molistic Retreat

Cal Reiet embrace lifelong learning, and the intention is not to be everything to everyone, but rather, to offer each individual their own space in which to grow.

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Nourishment is one of the foundational parts of Cal Reiet’s values. Cal Reiet’s consciousness based approach translates into the cuisine which aligns with the principle of “food as a medicine”. They use only fresh, locally-sourced organic ingredients, partly sourced from a kitchen garden.

Cal Reiet , a house of friendship in Mallorca – a place for like-minded travellers and locals alike to meet, connect and share experiences. It is an oasis away from everyday life where you can rejuvenate, grow and reconnect with your true-self. Cal Reiet’s aim is to create a magical place, where guests can find inspiration, joy and harmony within.


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